Stratonikeia Ruins

stratonikea ruins

Stratonikeia Ruins was founded in the 3rd century BC in Bodrum. Syrian King Seleucus I. married to his wife Stratonice with his son Antiochus. Antiochus founded a city and named it after Stratonice, who was his stepmother and then his wife. According to the traveller and writer Strabon, Stratonikeia Ruins was full with beautiful buildings.

From the coins found during the excavations, the city started its independent coinage from Rhodes in 167 BC. It continued until the time of Gallienus (253-268 CE). The cemetery of the city is on the top of the mountain in the south. To the north, on a terrace on the slope, just below the current highway, there are the remains of a small tomb built for the emperor.

How Can I Go To Stratonikeia Ruins?

Is Stratonikeia ruins easy to reach? the answer is totally yes! 

The ancient city of Stratonikeia is located 7 kilometers west of the town of Yatan in the province of Mugla. This ancient city is located within the borders of Eskihisar village on the Milas road. Since the city is in a village where there is still life, transportation is very easy.

Can I go there by my private car?

If you want to reach Stratonikeia ruins by your own private car, You should follow the road from Mugla to Yatagan and You will see the ancient city at the second kilometer of the Milas road.

Can I go to Stratonikeia by public transportation?

There are always bus from Mugla to Yatagan and Eskihisar on a daily basis.

Which airport is the closest to Stratonikeia ruins?

Bodrum Milas airport is the closest airport to these ruins. You can use shuttles to reach Mugla or Yatagan from the airport.

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when needed, here is a link of Mugla municipality.

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