Ancient Tumulus Unearthed In Kusadasi

ancient tumulus kusadasi

Newly Found Ancient Tumulus in Kusadasi

A team of archaeologists discovers a 2,350-year-old ancient tumulus in Kusadasi during surface surveys in the ancient city of Pygela in the Kusadası district of the western province of Aydın in 2022. The tumulus, a 23.5-meter-long wall, likely to attract tourism to the area.

Examinations by Provincial Culture and Tourism Director Umut Tuncer suggests that the tumulus contains the burial of a king, high-level administrator, or high-ranking commander from the building period. Ancient robbers destroyed the tomb, but Tuncer believes the tumulus will be a visually striking discovery once they fully unearth it.

Aydın Erön is a lecturer in the Department of Archeology at Aydın Adnan Menderes University. He led a surface survey in the ancient city of Pygela in the Kuştur area of Kuşadası in 2022.

During the excavations, the team have discovered a tumulus dating back 2,350 years to the Hellenistic period. They think a 23.5-meter-long round wall surrounds the tumulus. The Tumulus contains a 4.5-meter-long, 3.80-meter-wide tomb belonging to high-ranking administrators or a commander of the period.

To boost tourism in the area, the team plans to fully excavate the tomb in the coming year. Authorities excavated the tumulus partially between 1974 and 1978. However, they didn’t fully finish to unearth at that time. The current excavations aim to complete the process of revealing the structure.

Is The Ancient Tumulus In Kusadasi Important?

ancient tumulus in kusadasi

According to Tuncer, the team discovered a significant structure in the Kuşadası. The tumulus takes place in the east of the ancient city of Pygela. They believe the tumulus is the tomb of a senior manager from an important historical period. Its craftsmanship and quality make it a potential draw for cultural tourism. However, Tuncer states that they are currently evaluating the results of the survey.

To reveal the structure of the tumulus, the team conducts cleaning work and develops a plan and program for its excavation. Tuncer emphasizes the importance of the discovery.

Associated Professor Aydın Erön, the head of the excavations, states ” the Kuştur Tumulus is one of the mausoleums believed to have been constructed during the Hellenistic period. It has not been studied for a long time.” Erön emphasizes the importance of cleaning and promoting the structure. Tombs from the 350-300s B.C. period are not often found.” 

He also says that the masonry of the tumulus has high quality. It makes the tumulus a valuable site for regional tourism. Erön adds that there are few other mausoleums from this period. He also adds that the discovery and exhibition of this tumulus in Kusadasi will likely attract more visitors to the region. Erön described the tumulus as a “very big tomb.” If you are into history, You should read our blogs about Gobekli Tepe, Karahan Tepe and Boncuklu Tarla!

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