Is Türkiye Center Of The World? Where Is The Center of the World?

center of the world

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In 1973, Andrew J. Woods, a physicist with Gulf Energy and Environmental Systems in San Diego, California, used a digital global map and calculated the coordinates on a mainframe system as 39°00′N 34°00′E, in modern-day Turkey, near the district of Kırşehir, Kırşehir Province, approx. 1,800 km north of Giza.[3] In 2003, a refined result was yielded by Holger Isenberg: 40°52′N 34°34′E,[1] also in ( center of the world )Türkiye, near the district of İskilip, Çorum Province, approx. 200 km northeast of Ankara. In 2016, Google Maps marked Isenberg’s result of 40°52′N 34°34′ECoordinates: 40°52′N 34°34′E as the geographical center of Earth.

Is it ture?

Unfortunately, there is no general definition of the “center of the world” since the concept is largely a matter of perspective and can depend on how one defines “world.” Some people may consider the geographical center of the Earth to be the center of the world, while others may consider the center of their own country or city to be the center.

When we look into geography, the Earth’s center is the point which has evenly distributed Earth’s mass around itself. This point is not the same as the Earth’s geometric center. However, it is the point at the exact center of the Earth’s shape. The Earth’s center of mass is located about 1,700 kilometers (1,060 miles) below the surface of the Earth, near the Earth’s mantle. This point is not stable, as the Earth’s mass is not even and the Earth’s shape is not perfectly spherical.

It’s also worth noting that the concept of a “center” of the world is largely a human construct, and different cultures and societies have had different ideas about what constitutes the center of the world throughout history. Some have considered religious or cultural centers to be the center of the world, while others have considered political or economic centers to be the center. Ultimately, the concept of the “center of the world” is largely a matter of perspective and interpretation during modern times.

The question “where is the center of the world?” has been asked by countless people throughout history, and the answers have varied depending on the perspectives and beliefs of each generation. Some have believed that a specific country or region holds the key to this enigma, while others have focused on finding the geographic center of the Earth. In recent times, Turkey, particularly the city of Kırşehir, has been a point of interest for those seeking to find the center of the world. In this blog post, we’ll explore the rationale behind these claims and dive into the concept of the geographic center.

Is Türkiye the Center of the World?

Turkey has long been considered a cultural and geographic bridge between Europe and Asia, thanks to its unique location straddling both continents. Its rich history, which includes the Hittite, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman empires, has contributed to its reputation as a meeting point of civilizations.

This strategic location has led some to argue that Turkey could be considered the center of the world. It connects the East and West through trade routes and has been a hub for various cultures, languages, and religions over time. However, this notion of centrality is based on historical and cultural significance rather than geographic accuracy.

Kırşehir: The Geographic Center of the World?

The city of Kırşehir, located in central Turkey, has been proposed as the geographic center of the world. This claim stems from research that suggests Kırşehir lies at the intersection of the 39th parallel north and the 34th meridian east. Although it’s intriguing to consider Kırşehir as the center of the world, the concept of the geographic center is not as clear-cut as one might think.

The Geographic Center: A Complex Concept

The Earth’s irregular shape, with its bulging equator and flattened poles, makes determining the exact geographic center a challenging task. Furthermore, the Earth’s surface is constantly changing due to factors like plate tectonics and erosion, which further complicates the calculation.

Several methods have been proposed to find the geographic center, but each method yields a different result. For example, some researchers have used the center of gravity method, which involves finding the point at which the Earth’s mass is equally distributed. Others have used geometric approaches, like calculating the center of the smallest circle that encloses all landmasses.

Regardless of the method, it’s essential to remember that the concept of the geographic center is subjective and depends on how we define it. As such, the idea of a single, definitive center of the world remains elusive.


The question “where is the center of the world?” is an intriguing one, and the cases of Türkiye and Kırşehir offer fascinating perspectives on the matter. While the rich history and cultural significance of Türkiye might make it a contender for the title, the geographic center remains a complex and fluid concept that defies simple answers. As we continue to explore our planet and its wonders, it’s essential to appreciate the unique qualities of each region and the interconnectedness of our global community.

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