Turistik Schengen Belgeleri 2024 (TURKISH)

turistik schengen vize evrakları vfs global 2024

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Hem devlet memurları hem de özel sektör çalışanları için iş yeri izin belgesi.

Avusturya Schengen Vizesi Motivasyon Mektubu Örneği 2024

Youtube Kanalıma Abone Olmayı Unutmazsanız Sevinirim 🙂

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is ________, a Turkish citizen born on _______. I am writing this letter as part of my application for the Austrian Schengen visa.

Between 2013 and 2015, I worked as a Passenger Service Officer at the Konya Airport in Turkey. I graduated from the English Teaching department in June 2015 and have been working as an English teacher since October 2016. I am a tax-paying citizen and have no criminal record.

Firstly, I would like to explain why I wish to visit Austria. There are several reasons for my desire to travel to Austria. As known worldwide, Salzburg and Vienna are considered capitals of culture and history. I wish to visit these artistic hubs to explore and learn about them in depth so that I can share these beauties with my students and the world.

As for how I plan to share these experiences with the people all around the world, I run a website named www.destinations.com.tr On this site, I blog about must-see places around the world. One of the reasons for applying for the Austrian visa is to feature Austria on my site. I have already showcased many historical and cultural attractions of Salzburg and Vienna. During my visit from July 12 to July 31, I plan to visit, photograph, and share my personal experiences of these places with my readers.

Lastly, among the documents I am submitting, you will find that my friend Tuğba **** will arrive in Austria a week before me. Due to my teaching schedule, I will join her on July 12. Orhan ******, the owner of the house where we will stay, is a mutual friend of Tuğba **** and mine. We plan to partake in all the above-mentioned activities together and, as indicated in our tickets, Tuğba ***** and I will return to our country on July 31, 2024.

For these reasons, I am hopeful to travel to your country with the Austrian Schengen visa. I have meticulously planned my trip and commit to fulfilling all the requirements thoroughly.

I kindly request the evaluation of my application and hope that you consider my keen interest in traveling to Austria. 


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